<<fadeoutsound "desafinado.ogg">>You sigh.\n\nJust then, out of the corner of your eye, you notice something uncharacteristically wonky happening on the control panel.\n\n[[Insert Disk <<print either(9,13,17)>> to continue.|ruh-roh]]
<<playsound "flush.ogg">><<once>>Ah, refreshing. You wash your hands afterwards, of course.<<endonce>><<later>>You don't actually need to go, considering that you just went, but you flush the toilet anyway, because you like the sound. (Don't worry; you're not wasting water, since you have one of those fancy silent vaporizing toilets with a fake toilet flushing sound, like the fake shutter sound on phone cameras.)<<endlater>>\n\n[[Back.|bathroom]]
"You're right. It's hopeless. We don't even have enough power to propel the Social Justice Warrior out of Videogames's orbit, let alone reach another solar system."\n\n[[Sigh.|control panel]]
"Anything you can do to help us? Throw them off our trail so we can make a quick escape?"\n\n"Too late. They've got the ship's tracking info -- nothing I can do to bypass that. Best course of action at this point would be to wait it out and turn yourselves in."\n\n[[Clarify whether you heard them correctly.|heard]]\n[[Protest.|protest]]
"I thought WE were family, Frankie."\n\n"Yeah? Maybe if you two weren't so busy <<if $flirty>>making flirty eyes at each other all the time and <<endif>>going off on adventures without me, you might have noticed that I have a life here now."\n\n[[Try to reason with them.|reason]]\n[[Hang up in frustration.|hangup]]
<<fadeoutsound "o-barquinho.ogg">>You head over to the bridge.\n\n[[Insert Disk <<print either(3,4,5)>> to continue.|start convo]]
"Maybe we should get out of here once and for all. Find a new planet."\n\n"Like where, do you think?"\n\n[[New Mediaart?]]\n[[Weirdinternet?]]\n[[Hypertext?]]\n[[Academia?]]
<<replace>>Run away!<<becomes>>Where? They're blocking all the exits!<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Hide behind the control panel!<<becomes>>Who do you think you're fooling? They can already see you!<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Duck under a table!<<becomes>>There are no ducks under any of the tables, silly!<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Escape into the trapdoor!<<becomes>>You don't even have a trapdoor! Why didn't you think to build one while you still had the chance?<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Escape into Narnia!<<becomes>>You didn't even think to build a wardrobe in here. Besides, C.S. Lewis probably wouldn't approve of your lifestyle.<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Escape from Monkey Island!<<becomes>>That was definitely the worst game in the series. I REALLY hope that kind of low-poly art style doesn't come back.<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Do a roundhouse kick!<<becomes>>No can do. You were never any good at martial arts.<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Do a barrel roll!<<becomes>>Even if you had control of the spaceship, that sort of thing makes you motion sick and therefore MORE ineffective of an opponent.<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Do the Konami code!<<becomes>>Let's see... up down up down... no, up up down down left left... no, up up down down left right left... argh, this isn't going to work!<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Do the Hokey Pokey!<<becomes>>You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out... agh, it's useless! These klaxons are throwing off your rhythm!<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Scream at the top of your lungs!<<becomes>>You scream as loud as you possibly can until you lose your voice. The klaxons still drown you out regardless.<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Throw your hands up in the air!<<becomes>>You throw your hands up in the air. You even wave 'em around like you just don't care. The cops just keep inching closer.<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Throw instant noodles at the cops!<<becomes>>Wasting food, in dire straits like this? You can't bring yourself to do it, considering how hungry you've been lately.<<endreplace>> [[Put on some music!|music]] <<replace>>Put on some lipstick!<<becomes>>Okay, now your lips look even more lovely than usual, but the cops don't seem to have noticed. Dang.<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Ask <<print $pirate>> for help!<<becomes>><<print $pirate>> doesn't seem to have any idea what to do. Gee, thanks, <<print $pirate>>.<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Ask for one last phone call!<<becomes>>Urgh. You hate the phone, and besides, who would you call? Frankie? We've already established that they aren't going to be helpful.<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Take one last selfie!<<becomes>>You take a selfie and post it online. It gets <<print either(13, 37, 69, 111, 123, 666)>> favourites, which makes you feel pretty damn bittersweet.<<endreplace>> <<replace>>Jump out the window!<<becomes>>Assuming you can even break through the gorilla glass, if you go out there without a space suit, you'll die... and as dire as things are right now, you're not ready to die just yet. Not without a fight, at least.<<endreplace>>
<<set $selfie to true>>You take a selfie and post it online. It gets <<print either(13, 37, 69, 111, 123, 666)>> favourites, which makes you feel pretty damn good about yourself.\n\n[[Back.|bathroom]]
<<playsound "explode.ogg">>And just like that, the entire planet explodes into a glittery supernova.\n\nSuddenly overcome with the memory of all you've lost, you burst into tears. You know that what you once knew and loved was already long gone, that it's been that way for a while now, but still... it hurts to see it finally destroyed for good.\n\n[[And yet...|rebirth]]
"Nah, you weren't being a jerk. Actually, I think it's kind of amazing that we've been stuck here for so long and haven't had the urge to kill one other."\n\n<<print $pirate>> smiles. You both know that the only way you'll have any hope of surviving this is if you stick together.\n\n[[Say you've been itching to build things again.|itching]]
That's one thing you love about <<print $pirate>>: even though you're a member of the Videogames ruling class (or whatever's left of it, anyway) they've always treated you as an equal, and cared about you as a person in your own right.\n\nNot like everyone else who only deigned to notice your existence because of certain people to whom you happen to be blood-related. Who then considered you persona non grata once you began siding publicly with the rebels.\n\n[[Back.|greet]]
"So, you've sold out to them."\n\n"I don't believe this," <<print $pirate>> exclaims, rolling their eyes.\n\n"Look, I'm just trying to survive, all right? Not all of us can afford to steal spaceships <<if $selfie>>and take selfies <<endif>>and go on joyrides all day. I've got a family to take care of."\n\n[[Say you thought YOU were family.|family]]\n[[Try to reason with them.|reason]]\n[[Hang up in frustration.|hangup]]
<<loopsound "o-barquinho.ogg">>[[You|you]] are in your captain's quarters. To the north is your [[closet]]. To the west is your en-suite [[bathroom]]. A door to the south leads out to the <<if $pants is "pink pyjama pants" and $outinpjs is false>>[[promenade|change first?]]<<else>>[[promenade]]<<endif>>.
You style your beautiful <<cyclinglink $haircolour "black" "pink" "green" "blue" "red" "white" "rainbow-coloured">> hair into <<cyclinglink $hairstyle "a fauxhawk" "a pompadour" "a ducktail" "spikes" "a beehive" "pigtails" "a French braid" "an artfully-arranged mess">>. Ooh la la!\n\n[[Back.|bathroom]]
[img[logo]]\n\n[[Insert Disk 1 to begin.|begin]]
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"What's new and tasty?" you ask.\n\n<<print $pirate>> chuckles. "You know, it'd be nice if there was anything to eat around here other than instant noodles and hot cocoa mix."\n\n"I know, right?" You nervously laugh along with them.\n\n<<options>>
Whoa, wait a minute, you're still in your pyjamas! I mean, you do look super cute in them, but just in case, are you sure you want to go out like that?\n\n[[Whatever, I don't care.|promenade][$outinpjs = true]]\n[[On second thought, I think I'll change into actual clothes.|quarters]]
You tap furiously at the touchscreen. Nothing. You hold down the reset button for ten seconds. Still nothing. The message won't budge.\n\n"We should call [[Frankie]]," <<print $pirate>> suggests. "They'd know what to do."\n\n[[Call Frankie.|call]]
<<fadeoutsound "dancing.ogg">><<fadeoutsound "fireworks.ogg">><<loopsound "gymnopedie.ogg">>"Whoa," exclaims <<print $pirate>>. "What just happened?"\n\n[[Tell them about this strange new power.|power]]
<<pausesound "desafinado.ogg">><<loopsound "careless-whisper.ogg">>You invite <<print $pirate>> back to your quarters, and... well, quite frankly, what happens in there is no one's business but that of the two of you. Suffice to say, you both have a fantastic, enthusiastically consensual time.\n\n[[Head back to the bridge.|post-romance]]
The bathroom is where you engage in many super-important beauty regimens. You should probably clean it at some point; various surfaces are getting a little dusty. Your [[quarters]] are to the east, beyond the bathroom door.\n\n[[Use the toilet.|toilet]]\n[[Fix your hair.|hair]]\n[[Put on makeup.|makeup]]\n[[Do your nails.|nails]]\n[[Take a selfie.|selfie]]
<<stopsound "gymnopedie.ogg">><<loopsound "threat.ogg">><<loopsound "klaxon.ogg">>"Comrade! They're here!" <<print $pirate>> gestures frantically.\n\n<<replace>>Insert Disk 29 to continue.<<becomes>>Ack, that's not Disk 29! Where's Disk 29?!<<becomes>>No, that's not it either... I swear it's in here somewhere...<<becomes>>Urgh, that's not even for the right game! Where could it be?<<becomes>>No, it's not in there either...<<becomes>>What if I check... nope!<<becomes>>Okay, maybe if I look in the...<<becomes>>[[Oh, there it is. Phew! Okay, where were we?|police]]<<endreplace>>
<<playsound "crash.ogg">>You feel a loud thud, and then, before you know it, you're surrounded by a horde of, like, 50 misogynerd policemen in full riot gear.\n\n"You are <<insert "under arrest">> for <<insert "insubordination">>, <<insert "espionage">>, <<insert "failing to conform to gender norms">>, <<insert "snogging the wrong kinds of people">>, <<insert "theft of a spacecraft">>, <<insert "vandalism of said spacecraft">>, <<insert "bad fashion sense">>, <<insert "peeling an orange in a hotel room">>, <<insert "playing a musical instrument with intent to lure others out of a shopping mall">>, <<insert "falling asleep in a cheese factory">>, <<insert "playing minigolf in an office building">>, <<insert "farting">>, <<insert "shouting at trees">>, <<insert "spilling milk">>, <<insert "singing in public">>, <<insert "taking selfies">>, <<insert "having feelings">>, and [[resisting arrest]]<<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>><<endinsert>>."
This is where your extensive wardrobe lives. You can return to your [[quarters]] from here.\n\n<<if $pants is "pink pyjama pants">>[[Select today's outfit.|outfit]]<<else>>[[Change your mind and pick out another outfit.|outfit]]<<endif>>
<<stopsound "threat.ogg">><<stopsound "klaxon.ogg">><<loopsound "dancing.ogg">>You turn on your music, and, unexpectedly, it pulsates through the ship's sound systems and drowns out all the other noise, even though it's only coming out of your mp3 player.\n\nA strange but comfortingly familiar power courses through your veins.\n\n[[Start dancing.|dance]]<<set $dancemoves = [ "Gyrate your hips.", "Wiggle your butt.", "Sashay.", "Two-step.", "Pirouette.", "Click your heels together.", "Jazz hands.", "Cha-cha-cha.", "Do-si-do.", "Moonwalk.", "Macarena." ]>>
"Frankie, it's us. We've been found."\n\nThey let out an exasperated sigh. "Yeah, I know. Everyone knows. You've been wanted for months."\n\n[[Ask why they didn't say something sooner.|sooner]]\n[[Ask if there's anything they can do to help.|help]]
"What? Frankie, did I hear... did you just tell us to turn ourselves in?"\n\n"Yeah, that's exactly what I said. I know it's probably not what you want to hear, but you did ask me for my opinion."\n\n[[Protest.|protest]]
<<pausesound "desafinado.ogg">><<loopsound "gymnopedie.ogg">>You were born to build things. As a member of the royal family of Videogames, building things is in your blood. You grew up apprenticing under your elders, whose queer, beautiful, complex structures you could only dream of coming close to emulating someday. You listened non-stop to their stories of the Golden Age of Videogames, envying the creative freedom and abundance they enjoyed.\n\nThen, the [[misogynerds]] came.
<<once>>"Hey, remember that time in Quing's Quest III when I tried to make a moustache out of cat hair and maple syrup?"\n\n"Hahaha, that was so gross, Didn't it, like, not wash out for like a week?"\n\n"Ugh. And the hair kept making me sneeze, too."<<becomes>>"Remember in Quing's Quest V when Frankie tried to sneak us into that misogynerd dive bar?"\n\n"Oh man, we were so out of place and everyone kept staring at us! And then we did that interpretive dance... okay, actually that was kind of awesome."<<becomes>>"Remember when your violin playing put that entire gang of trolls to sleep?"\n\n"Oh god, I nearly fell asleep, too! I honestly don't know how anyone can stay awake during Pachelbel's Canon. I mean, seriously!"<<becomes>>"Remember that time you commandeered an honest to goodness pirate ship?"\n\n"Which time? I did it twice. Once in Quing's Quest II, and another time in Quing's Quest VI."\n\n"I was thinking about VI, I think. I'd forgotten about II. But now that you mention it, that was pretty cool, too."<<becomes>>"Remember when I learned to play the bagpipes in an hour? I felt really badass."\n\n"Actually, if you want to be pedantic, those were Uilleann pipes. You'd have fainted if you'd tried to play the actual Great Highland bagpipes."\n\n"True, that."<<becomes>>"Remember that pizza we got from the food truck in Quing's Quest IV? I've never had anything quite like it before or since."\n\n"Um, that wasn't pizza. That was a mysterious probiotic lichen compound that's been outlawed for the past three years."\n\n"Oh, uh, well, that explains it."<<becomes>>"Remember when we got stuck underwater in Quing's Quest I?"\n\n"I'd rather not, honestly. If it hadn't been for you being 1/16th mermaid and me being able to hold my breath for ten minutes, we'd have been done for."<<endonce>>\n\n<<options>>
"Fine," you reply icily. "Whatever. Thanks for nothing."\n\n"Hey, I was just--" You hang up before Frankie can make any more excuses.\n\n<<betrayed>>
Normally, you hate having to resort to primitive cellular technology, but with the ship's computer system on the fritz, you're left with little choice. You dial Frankie's number and put them on speakerphone.\n\n"This is Frankie," says a tired, deadpan voice on the other line.\n\n[[Explain the situation.|explain]]
<<fadeinsound "desafinado.ogg">><<cyclinglink $pirate "Nero" "Guybrush" "Elaine" "LeChuck" "Snugglecakes" "Morgan">> the genderfluid Social Justice Pirate, your friend and trusted advisor, is here, noodling on the fiddle while keeping an eye on the ship's controls.\n\n[[Greet them.|greet]]
CAN you save Videogames? Can you honestly claim that there's anything left worth saving? If there's anything that seven whole games' worth of misadventures has taught you, it's that you couldn't bring things back to the way they were before the invasion even if you wanted to.\n\nLet's face it: the only realistic options you have are to [[destroy Videogames|destroy]] and start over, or [[let it destroy itself|get away]].
<<pausesound "o-barquinho.ogg">><<loopsound "gymnopedie.ogg">>So many fond memories. It saddens you that you'll never be able to return... but then again, the place you fondly remember doesn't even exist anymore. Not since the invasion, anyway.\n\n[[Back.|promenade]]
Quing's Quest VII: The Death of Videogames!
As good-looking as ever. Seriously, you are, like, the most gorgeous person of mysterious and indistinct gender in the universe. Of course, you do happen to be descended from royalty, so no surprises there.\n\nYou are wearing <<print $shirt>>, <<print $pants>>, <<if $accessories neq "none">><<print $accessories>>, <<endif>>and <<print $footwear>>.\n\n[[Back.|quarters]]
Frankie is your go-to person for all things tech. They work for a major misogynerd corporation back on Videogames, while secretly trying to bring it down from the inside. You've always admired Frankie's fortitude; you could never stand to work for those troglodytes, and you know this from experience.\n\n[[Back.|regain control]]
"Fasten your seatbelt, <<print $pirate>>. We're finally getting out of this sinkhole."\n\n"Whoa. You're serious? And, wait, do we even HAVE seatbelts?"\n\n"Well... just grab on to something."\n\n[[And away you go.|away]]
<<pausesound "threat.ogg">><<loopsound "gymnopedie.ogg">>It was hard enough dealing with the misogynerd invasion, but the complacency of your people was even harder. When the misogynerds put you all to work creating enormous, monochromatic, phallic-shaped eyesores for their entertainment, no one seemed to bat an eye except you.\n\nAt one point, you tried to work on your own creations in your spare time, but your elders found out and scolded you for [[wasting resources]].
(function () {\n "use strict";\n version.extensions['soundMacros'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 1,\n revision: 2\n };\n var p = macros['playsound'] = {\n soundtracks: {},\n handler: function (a, b, c, d) {\n var loop = function (m) {\n if (m.loop == undefined) {\n m.loopfn = function () {\n this.play();\n };\n m.addEventListener('ended', m.loopfn, 0);\n } else m.loop = true;\n m.play();\n };\n var s = eval(d.fullArgs());\n if (s) {\n s = s.toString();\n var m = this.soundtracks[s.slice(0, s.lastIndexOf("."))];\n if (m) {\n if (b == "playsound") {\n m.play();\n } else if (b == "loopsound") {\n loop(m);\n } else if (b == "pausesound") {\n m.pause();\n } else if (b == "unloopsound") {\n if (m.loop != undefined) {\n m.loop = false;\n } else if (m.loopfn) {\n m.removeEventListener('ended', m.loopfn);\n delete m.loopfn;\n }\n } else if (b == "stopsound") {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n } else if (b == "fadeoutsound" || b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.interval) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.currentTime>0) return;\n m.volume = 0;\n loop(m);\n } else {\n if (!m.currentTime) return;\n m.play();\n }\n var v = m.volume;\n m.interval = setInterval(function () {\n v = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, v + 0.005 * (b == "fadeinsound" ? 1 : -1)));\n m.volume = Math.easeInOut(v);\n if (v == 0 || v == 1) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (v == 0) {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n m.volume = 1;\n }\n }, 10);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n macros['fadeinsound'] = p;\n macros['fadeoutsound'] = p;\n macros['unloopsound'] = p;\n macros['loopsound'] = p;\n macros['pausesound'] = p;\n macros['stopsound'] = p;\n macros['stopallsound'] = {\n handler: function () {\n var s = macros.playsound.soundtracks;\n for (var j in s) {\n\t\tif (s.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n s[j].pause();\n if (s[j].currentTime) {\n\t\t s[j].currentTime = 0;\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n }\n }\n }\n var div = document.getElementById("storeArea").firstChild;\n var fe = ["ogg", "mp3", "wav", "webm"];\n while (div) {\n var b = String.fromCharCode(92);\n var q = '"';\n var re = "['" + q + "]([^" + q + "']*?)" + b + ".(ogg|mp3|wav|webm)['" + q + "]";\n k(new RegExp(re, "gi"));\n div = div.nextSibling;\n }\n\n function k(c, e) {\n do {\n var d = c.exec(div.innerHTML);\n if (d) {\n var a = new Audio();\n if (a.canPlayType) {\n for (var i = -1; i < fe.length; i += 1) {\n if (i >= 0) d[2] = fe[i];\n if (a.canPlayType("audio/" + d[2])) break;\n }\n if (i < fe.length) {\n a.setAttribute("src", d[1] + "." + d[2]);\n a.interval = null;\n macros.playsound.soundtracks[d[1]] = a;\n } else console.log("Browser can't play '" + d[1] + "'");\n }\n }\n } while (d);\n }\n}());
Later on, you met <<print $pirate>> and Frankie and a bunch of other rebels looking to overthrow the new regime. For a while, you felt a renewed purpose in your life, uniting against a common enemy. You went on adventures. You wore disguises. You undermined authority figures.\n\nBut ultimately, you were powerless against the misogynerds' sheer strength in volume, and your numbers dwindled. Your [[heart aches]] with the memory of those you've lost.
<<set $shirt to "a ratty but comfortable t-shirt">><<set $pants to "pink pyjama pants">><<set $footwear to "a pair of Freudian slippers">><<set $accessories to "none">><<quarters>>
"I've been thinking about what you said the other day," you remark. "About how there's no way we can stay out here forever."\n\n"Yeah, I was just feeling frustrated, is all. I know you're doing the best you can. I didn't mean to come off as a jerk."\n\n[[Reassure <<print $pirate>>.|reassure]]\n[[Say you've been itching to build things again.|itching]]
"I... I don't know. But I feel like I can do anything, now. And it's kind of amazing."\n\n"Oh really?" <<print $pirate>> responds. "So now that you can do anything, what are you going to do next?"\n\n[[Save Videogames.|save]]\n[[Destroy Videogames.|destroy]]\n[[Get the hell away from Videogames.|get away]]
"I'm, uh, not in the mood right now. Maybe later?"\n\n"Okay, cool," you respond.\n\n<<options>>
"It's just... I've been itching to build something again, you know?"\n\n<<print $pirate>> looks at you, quizzically. "Didn't you just tear down the pool table and rebuild it into a hot tub, like, yesterday?"\n\n"I mean, uh, something substantial. Like the stuff I used to build [[back home]]."
You paint your nails a lovely shade of <<cyclinglink $nails "red" "black" "blue" "green" "purple" "pink" "rainbow" "octarine">>. It takes a little while for them to dry, but once they do, they look completely and utterly stunning.\n\n[[Yes.|bathroom]]
<<cyclinglink $foundation "Put on foundation." "Your complexion is absolutely flawless." end>>\n<<cyclinglink $eyes "Put on eye makeup." "Your eyes are oh so beautiful." end>>\n<<cyclinglink $lipstick "Put on lipstick." "Your lips look lavishly luscious." end>>\n<<cyclinglink $moustache "Draw an eyeliner moustache on your upper lip." "Your moustache looks so suave and debonair." end>>\n[[Okay, that's enough.|bathroom]]
"Why didn't you say anything sooner?"\n\n"Yeah, Frankie," echoes <<print $pirate>>. "You could've warned us ahead of time that they were coming."\n\n"I've been busy. They've had me working 16-hour days this week, so forgive me for barely having enough time to sleep, let alone do much of anything else."\n\n[[Ask if there's anything they can do to help.|help]]
You pick out <<cyclinglink $shirt "a purple gingham shirt" "a black sleeveless shirt" "a cream-coloured tuxedo shirt with ruffles" "a ridiculously loud Hawaiian print shirt" "a patterned blouse with enormous shoulder pads" "a hot pink Gaming's Feminist Illuminati t-shirt">>, <<cyclinglink $pants "a pair of black jeans" "cute red shorts" "a utility kilt" "a long, flowing skirt" "galaxy leggings">>, and <<cyclinglink $footwear "pointy brown wingtips" "Converse sneakers" "knee-high vegan leather boots" "ballet slippers" "aquarium platform shoes" "Vibram FiveFingers">>. You decide to accessorize your outfit with <<cyclinglink $accessories "a paisley-print bowtie" "a sequin vest" "a feather boa" "a top hat" "a tiara">>.\n\nHot damn, you look fabulous!\n\n[[Totes.|closet]]
<<stopsound "gymnopedie.ogg">><<loopsound "o-barquinho.ogg">>The Social Justice Warrior is a little small for a luxury spacecraft, but it's comfortable and homey enough, you suppose. Plus, the view from the promenade's floor-to-ceiling windows is real nice.\n\nYou can see your home planet, [[Videogames]], from here.\n\nYou can continue heading south to the [[bridge]]. Alternatively, your [[quarters]] are to the north, should you wish to retreat to them.
<<StoryTitle>>\n\n<<replace "More...">>Written by <<StoryAuthor>>.\n\n<<replace "More...">>Logo designed by Aaron A. Reed.\n\n<<replace "More...">>Additional scripts by Leon Arnott.\n\n<<replace "More...">>Music:\n"O Barquinho" - Walter Wanderley\n"Gymnopedie No. 1" - Erik Satie\n"Desafinado" - Stephane Grappelli & Baden Powell\n"Careless Whisper" - George Michael\n"The Threat" - Peder B. Helland\n"I Don't Feel Like Dancin'" - Scissor Sisters\n\n<<replace "More...">>Created for Ruin Jam 2014.\n\n<<replace "More...">>Thanks for playing.<<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>><<endreplace>>
"Frankie, please, hear me out... maybe if we just..."\n\n"Hey, listen, I gotta go. Just... don't make things worse for yourself than they already are, okay?" They hang up with a click.\n\n<<betrayed>>
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"Gamers". That's what the misogynerds started calling themselves, once they invaded your planet. To make it worse, they act as if this is the way it's always been, as if Videogames was a planet that they alone discovered, as if your people hadn't been there first.\n\n[[Back.|ruh-roh]]
<<playsound "explode.ogg">>As you pick up speed, you can see Videogames getting tinier and tinier in the distance. You're sad to leave it in the sorry state it's in, but you also know its days are numbered. It's only a matter of time until it collapses upon itself, and you know this for a fact.\n\nRegardless, it's [[not your problem anymore|home]].
You look over at Videogames one last time, as <<print $pirate>> squeezes your hand with a concerned look on their face.\n\n"You... you're sure you want to do this, comrade?"\n\nNo, you don't want to. [[But you must.|kaboom]]
You freeze up in shock. Frankie? Of all people? Then again, maybe you shouldn't be all that [[surprised]]...
<<stopsound "careless-whisper.ogg">><<loopsound "desafinado.ogg">>"Thanks for that, lovely. I needed it," says <<print $pirate>> after giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Now, what were we talking about again?"\n\n<<options>>
They were a big joke, at first. These strange creatures, with their bizarre [[caste system]] and complete, utter lack of imagination. But then, as it turned out, they had resources. Resources through which, they proposed, Videogames would prosper into an economic superpower to rival the planets Film and Television.\n\nYour people, swayed by such promise, allowed the misogynerds to invade. By the time anyone realised you'd all been swindled, you were already [[in too deep|introspecting]].
"Is that even a real planet, comrade? I thought it was a satellite. Is it inhabitable, even?"\n\n<<right>>
<<loopsound "threat.ogg">>You and <<print $pirate>> look over at the control panel, and instead of its usual UI is a message in big, bold letters: "Remain where you are. The [[Gamer]] Police will be arriving momentarily."\n\n<<print $pirate>> turns white. "No. Impossible. They can't have... how did they...?"\n\n[[Try to regain control of the system.|regain control]]
"I dunno, comrade. We're pretty queer, sure, but people on that planet are just... I dunno... out there. I'm starting to suspect that they're all bots."\n\n<<right>>
You can see the beginnings of a new planet forming out of the glitter. You see what it might become one day: a place of acceptance and abundance and freedom and justice and love and happiness. All you have to do now is build it.\n\n"It's beautiful, isn't it, comrade?"\n\n[["Yes, <<print $pirate>>. Yes it is."|credits]]
When it became clear that it wasn't safe for you to stay on Videogames any longer, you and <<print $pirate>> stole a spaceship, painted it hot pink, named it the Social Justice Warrior, and blasted away into space. Against all odds, you'd succeeded in hiding from the authorities for months. Until [[now]]...
"Are you sure, comrade? You keep telling me that every planet in the Artworld Galaxy is snooty and cliquish as hell."\n\n<<right>>
"You'd be willing to climb all the way up that ivory tower, comrade? Wow, I guess we're in a more desperate situation than I thought."\n\n<<right>>
With any luck, you'll find a new home, and it'll be better than you ever thought possible. You and <<print $pirate>> will be happy and creatively fulfilled, and you'll have a real community among whom you can learn and thrive and not be outsiders anymore.\n\nIt'll take some work to find your place and your people, to be sure. There's going to be a lot of aimless wandering. But you have faith that you'll find it. [[You have to.|credits]]
<<once>>Your body, almost involuntarily, begins to bounce in place to the beat. You look over at <<print $pirate>>, whose eyes meet yours, and suddenly, you know exactly what to do.<<becomes>>The riot police gape in horror and shake their heads. Their weapons tremble in their fists.<<becomes>>The deputy riot cop looks over at the chief, leans over, and whispers something into his ear. "Not now," replies the chief, pushing the deputy back.<<becomes>><<playsound "firework.ogg">>One of the cops charges forward, nightstick in hand. Before he can reach you, he explodes with a loud "Poof!" into a giant pile of glitter.<<becomes>><<loopsound "fireworks.ogg">>A handful more cops attempt to swarm you in retailation. They wind up turning into glitter also.<<becomes>>"I don't believe this," exclaims the chief as the deputy explodes next to him, spraying the entire left side of his body with glitter. He spits and sputters angrily.<<becomes>>Glitter sprays everywhere, left and right, as you and <<print $pirate>> dance around gleefully. The remaining riot police are frozen in terror.<<becomes>>"Stop this! Stop this at once," screams the chief one last time before he, too, explodes into a mushroom cloud of glitter.<<becomes>>One by one, all the remaining cops turn into glitter, until the entire inside of the Social Justice Warrior is a hot glittery mess.<<endonce>>\n\n<<if $dancing < 8>>[[<<print $dancemoves[0]>>|dance][$dancemoves.splice(0,1); $dancing += 1]]\n[[<<print $dancemoves[1]>>|dance][$dancemoves.splice(1,1); $dancing += 1]]\n[[<<print $dancemoves[2]>>|dance][$dancemoves.splice(2,1); $dancing += 1]]\n[[<<print $dancemoves[3]>>|dance][$dancemoves.splice(3,1); $dancing += 1]]<<else>>[[Take a bow.|glitter]]\n[[Do a curtsy.|glitter]]\n[[Strike a heroic pose.|glitter]]<<endif>>
"You... you can't be serious! You know we can't go back, Frankie. You know that better than anyone." You look over at <<print $pirate>>, who seems to be at a loss for words.\n\n"It won't be so bad if you just plead guilty and apologise for everything. You'll get a lighter sentence and then you could just lay low and get a job or something."\n\n[[Accuse Frankie of selling out.|sold out]]\n[[Try to reason with them.|reason]]
"[[Comrade]]," says <<print $pirate>>, looking up from their fiddle-playing. "You're looking mighty dashing today."\n\n<<options>>
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<<set $flirty to true>>"You look totes adorbz yourself, you know," you respond, arching your eyebrow. And they do. There's something about their long magenta hair and blue coat and that look on their face when they're concentrating really hard that just... mmm.\n\n<<options>>
Misogynerd society was (and still is) divided into a ruling class, called "men", and a slave class, called "women". The ruling class openly despises the slave class, yet strangely needs it for some reason or another. Misogynerds refer to this need as "love", but it is nothing like what you and your people know as love; it is, instead, something more akin to owning an appliance, except with greater intensity.\n\n[[Back.|misogynerds]]
"Come on, chin up," <<print $pirate>> chirps in an attempt to encourage you. "It's like you keep saying: there's nowhere left to move but forward."\n\n<<options>>
Dietrich Squinkifer
<<stopsound "gymnopedie.ogg">><<loopsound "desafinado.ogg">>"Hey, uh, comrade? You okay?" <<print $pirate>> snaps their fingers in your face.\n\n"What? Oh, I'm fine," you respond.\n\n"You were introspecting, weren't you? I know that's what you were doing because Gymnopedie No. 1 was playing in the background. Again."\n\n[[Busted.|chin up]]
<<if $howsitgoing is false>>[[Ask how things are going.|how's it going?][$howsitgoing = true]]\n<<else if $ivebeenthinking is false>>[[Talk about what's on your mind.|I've been thinking][$ivebeenthinking = true]]\n<<else>>[[Propose migrating to a new planet.|migrate]]\n<<endif>><<if $reminisced < 7>>[[Reminisce about past adventures.|reminisce][$reminisced += 1]]\n<<endif>><<if $flirted is false>>[[Flirt.|flirt][$flirted = true]]\n<<else if $romanced is false>>[[Romance <<print $pirate>>.|romance][$romanced = true]]\n<<else>>[[Romance <<print $pirate>> again.|either("romance","not in the mood")]]\n<<endif>>